
Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt asked Mischa Spelt commented

GUI read-only for bundles in tabcontrol?

Hi @anthony.johnson

Thanks again for your excellent answer on my previous question, but I have a follow-up question. It seems like the table is editable when I give it node table data, but when the table is a bundle it suddenly becomes sort-of-readonly.. that is: the editor does not show so you cannot type a value in a cell, but the OnClick is able to change the value (and this gets stored to the tree).

Note that this only happens when I put the tableview inside a tabcontrol -- if it's directly in the GUI root it works fine!

Here's an example model: try double clicking GlobalTable and BundleTable in the tree and editing a value in the first column -- CustomGUI_viewwindowtype5.fsm

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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered Mischa Spelt commented

It's throwing an exception trying to create an undo record because the undohistory attribute of the table view does not reference a valid undo history. Change the undohistory path from ../.. to ../../../.. and it fixes the issue. Sorry, we kind of assume that the view structure for undo history tracking is set up correctly, so our error catching in that area is not as filled out.

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