
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Jeanette F commented

Properties UI bug


After the update to 22.1.3, the properties UI on the right seems to give me more troubles.

1. Spatial properties: The z location value runs when cursor hoover on top

2. AGV Path: Can't check the Two-Way check box for curve path. Also please see below for straight path.


3. Queue: As below



Stop time UI: The UI failed to close after filling in the stop time. This happened in the earlier version, may be one earlier. It was ok in 22.1.2.

Looking forward to see the further bug patch



FlexSim 22.1.3
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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

@David Chan Does this happen when you first open up a model in FlexSim, or do you have a list of steps you take before it gets into these states?

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David Chan avatar image David Chan Joshua S commented ·
@Joshua S It does not happen at the initial stage of the model building. It was after many steps done.


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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·
Hello @David Chan,

Were you able to find steps to replicate this issue?

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

We'll add this to the dev list to look into, but let us know if you find specific steps that cause the issue. We'll be able to fix it much faster once we know how to replicate the issue.

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