
Boris M6 avatar image
Boris M6 asked Phil BoBo commented

Model save time and start time too long

I'm having an issue with a model i'm working on.

It's a big model with lots of 3D object imported and a big AGVnetwork. I was sure that was the cause of my model lasting 17 secs in average to save. But today i started trying removing the custom 3D objects and that never changed. I erased everything in the model to try and even with nothing in the model, process flow and model tree the model still saves in 17 secs. It's a lot of time for the model to save.

I was wondering how can i solve this so i can work more confortably in this particular model. Other models i'm working on don't have this issue. It's only this one

FlexSim 22.1.2
model openwait timessave time
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

In Edit > Model Settings, uncheck "Embed media with model."

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