
Joe S2 avatar image
Joe S2 asked Jacob W2 commented

Task Executor seems to teleport

Good Morning,

I have been building a model in Flexsim 2020.2 using network nodes (because I need to account for legacy operations) and I seem to be running into a case in which a series of Task Executers appear to teleport over a segment rather than travel over the segment. In looking at the output data it appears that the Task Executor triggers it's arrival at the same time on both nodes. The extra strange part about this is that this occurs very reliably after 65000 seconds of simulation but never occurs before (all Task Executers will properly travel at appropriate speeds along this segment). Nothing changes in the simulation after this point in time to trigger a kinematic change (I have checked the TE kinematics before and after and they match).

Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas on things I can investigate in my model in order to resolve this issue?

Thank you,

FlexSim 20.2.3
task executernetwork nodes
· 1
5 |100000

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