
Jirawat J avatar image
Jirawat J asked Braydn T edited

Transferring between TE and TS

I have a problem where I want TE1 to travel from Source2 and follow the black arrow line to the network node, where it marked in red. TE1 has to stop there to wait for the item transfer from TS1 which already waited in network node that marked in blue, and exist as the process finish.

The question is already create a process flow which possibly can help this model to happen. However, the process flow occurred to be error. Can anyone help me fix it?

Here are attached files.


FlexSim 19.1.0
flexsim commandstask executertransporternetwork nodes
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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered Jirawat J commented


attached a model what does what you describe. One failure was in the PF where you create a label "Item" (capital letter "i") in the source but call a label "item" for the rest of the process.

The other point was, that you use PF but also try to use standard A or S connections and settings in Flow tabs. In this case both ways disrupt each other. So just use one way and everything works ;-)

I´ve erased your connections and reset the default settings in the Fixed Resources.


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