
Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp asked Claire Krupp commented

Display errors with conveyors

I am seeing a couple of display errors in my model (already uploaded "CKrupp_conveyor_items_disappearing")

1. The display of sloping conveyors sometimes shows the legs on one side are longer than the other, and poke through below the floor that they are standing on. See conveyors “IPF1_9B”, “ISF3_1B” and “IPF2_6A”.

1661355336537.png2. If you have the height of the conveyor at about 1.0ft and the side skirt is also 1.0ft, the bar of the legs shows above the surface of the conveyor – see “IRL1_2A” and “IRL1_2B” shown here:

1661355409863.png("IRL1_2B" also has the different leg lengths, which causes the bar to only show across half the width. )

I had to create a separate visualization with a lower side-skirt to fix the problem, but then it looks like it has no skirt at all! (see the adjacent conveyor section).

FlexSim 22.2.0
conveyor display
1661355336537.png (65.4 KiB)
1661355409863.png (183.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Claire Krupp commented

Sorry for the delay in getting a response back. Both of these issues seem like bugs to me. The good news is they are both easy to replicate, so I will send bug reports to the developers. Also, as far as I can tell, they are just visual bugs and are not affecting the model logic at all.

Lopsided Legs:

For the first issue with the lopsided legs, it seems to be related to the Height Rule of the legs, and/or an issue with connecting to another downstream conveyor that is facing the same direction and is a similar width.

For the Height Rule (in the Conveyor Visualization Properties) if you use the first option, "Leg Height Following Conveyor Height", the legs will look fine in the model, apart from not touching the ground all the way through the slope. It's the other two options that cause the legs to be lopsided. So you could create a separate Visualization for just these problematic conveyors and use the first Height Rule option.

When a sloping conveyor (either sloped up or down) is connected to another conveyor that is the same width and going the same direction, FlexSim tries to adjust the legs to match a little better. So in your model, if you were to disconnect conveyors “IPF1_9B”, “ISF3_1B” and “IPF2_6A” from the next downstream conveyor, the issue goes away. As a workaround, you could connect the two sections of conveyor with an A connection instead, but the new visuals may not look how you want either.

Interestingly enough, the amount of slope there is on the sloped conveyor affects the length of the erroneous leg. One side will look fine, but the other side will look longer or shorter (depending on if the slope is up or down).

Side skirt and legs:

As you've seen, the size of a side skirt affects the size of the legs. So when the size of a skirt is large enough and the conveyors are close enough to the ground, the legs can poke through the conveyor. Even adjusting the leg height and height rule doesn't seem to make a difference - at least in a way that makes it look better.

The draw code of the conveyor system isn't really accessible, so I don't know how exactly the skirt and legs work together. I also haven't found anything else to adjust the size of the legs independent of the skirt. Unfortunately, that means the only workaround I am aware of is the one you already mentioned in the question - make sure the skirt is small enough so the legs don't poke through.

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·
Thanks @Logan Gold . I'm glad it was reproducible. I may try the Height rule as you suggested, though I don't think it's going be noticed by my customer, and as you said, it doesn't seem to affect the operation of the model.
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