
Jonathan avatar image
Jonathan asked Jonathan commented

Make an operator face their machine/workstation

When operators move a flow item from one station to the next they wont necessarily face their work. They can set a flow item on a machine without facing it, even directly behind them. They will then stand that way until told to do something else.
Is there a way to make them pick up and put down flow items while facing the entry/exit point? Also to make them face their workstation while processing (the workstation does have them listed as required for processing).

This operator is currently "processing" the part on their workstation, but facing away.


FlexSim 22.1.1
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

At the end of travel run this, substituting the operator and target with your objects:

Object operator=Model.find("Operator1");
Object target=Model.find("Processor1");
Vec3 tarloc=target.location.project(target.up,operator.up);
Vec3 headingvec=tarloc-operator.location;
double heading=Math.degrees(Math.atan2(headingvec.y,headingvec.x));

If you have that as a function on a node somewhere (label or user command) you can also use a TASKTYPE_NODEFUNCTION call to trigger it at the end of a task sequence.

If you want the operator to face a particular part of the object (not the center) then use

target.getLocation(0,1,0).project(target.up,operator.up);    // factors 0-1

...changing the factors to represent a distance along each dimension.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

It depends on how he arrives his station. You can let him travel to a location from which he is a going to a processor and in doing so he will looking to his workplace.

EDIT:operator-port-at-processor.gifOperator_port_at_processor.fsm.jpg (while downloading save as *.fsm datatype)

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Jonathan avatar image Jonathan commented ·
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. The only way I've found to have them face it is to set up barriers to force walking to the processor. But in my model the distance is very short and that would increase travel time, skewing my model.

Would it not work to make people models have 'ports' on their facing side such that they can only input/output there instead of 360 deg around them? Instead of adjusting the 'length' of the transfer like a conveyor you could adjust the arc.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Jonathan commented ·
@Jonathan , increasing travel time would happen in reality, too. They turn and this takes time.
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Jonathan avatar image Jonathan Joerg Vogel commented ·
I didn't see your video yesterday. Can you share the code for all three of your travel tasks please? I'm not sure how you have them set up.
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