
len zm avatar image
len zm asked Jeanette F commented

pusher and sensor

Screenshot 2022-09-12 232433.png

I am new to Flexsim and I really need help regarding this, I want to add a pusher on the purple conveyor so when the item arrives to the photo eye on the purple conveyor the purple conveyor will stop and check if the there is no items between the two photo eyes on the red one and then pushes it to the red one and after .01 second the purple conveyor works again. How can I do that ? and how I can change the conveyors so the pusher can push the items without the skirts prevent that ?

FlexSim 22.2.1
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @len zm, here's a possible solution for your problem. This solution only uses 3D objects and Triggers. You could do something similar using Process Flow.

On the Red Conveyor, the first Photo Eye (PE), I added an On Cover trigger which increments a label I set called Occupied.


On the second PE, I made sure to decrement the same label when the PE is Uncovered. This will help us keep track of the number of boxes in that "zone" of PEs.


On the Purple Conveyor PE, I added an On Block trigger with the following code. It will first check to see if there are any boxes in the space. If so, then stop the item. Secondly, set a label on the 2nd PE of the Red Conveyor called "WaitingItem".


Back on the 2nd PE of the Red Conveyor, I had a conditional Resume On Uncover. If there are no boxes left in the zone (and the WaitingItem isn't null), then resume that item).


Finally, when the Purple Conveyor PE item finally gets resumed and leaves, I make sure to increment the label set on the 1st Red Conveyor PE.


Here's what it looks like:


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