
Mohamed Slama avatar image
Mohamed Slama asked Mohamed Slama edited

Stop Item on onmessage trigger


In my simulation I want that if the photoeye 2 is blocked, it should send a message to photo eye 1. Then the photo eye1 should stop the item at the photoeye 1 position when it receives the message. Please can you help to resolve this problem ?



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photoeyestop itemon message trigger
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Mohamed Slama edited

I see that you had your Photoeye 2 send a message to Photoeye 1 on the OnBlock trigger. I merely added a first parameter (a "1") to the message.

So the next step was to create a snippet of code in the OnMessage trigger of Photo Eye 1. The code is simply one line that sets a label (called "stopitem") to current (Photoeye 1) with the value of that message parameter we added (1).

  1. setlabel(current,"stopitem",msgparam(1));

Finally, we add a trigger to the OnBlock trigger of Photoeye 1, that checks if it has a "stopitem" label with a value of 1 (true) on itself, if so, then stop the item.

Here is you example with those changes I made.


5922-un-deux-1.fsm (18.6 KiB)
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen edited

@Mohamed Slama Because the photocell or decision points do not have an onmessage trigger you should solve this differently. If you put a label on PE1 and set that label in PE2 to for instance 1, you can use the option Stop Item with the condition that the label should be 1

@Mohamed Slama @Sam Stubbs Sorry I totally overlooked the On Message trigger at the bottom!! But the concept still stands ;-)

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