
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Recording in RTX mode


I spent a tremendous amount of time creating random appearances for the people in my simulation. As you can see in the picture below, there are many random shirts, pants, facial hair, masks, etc.


However, when I try to record in RTX mode, everyone turns either blue or green, and everyone looks exactly the same:


Could you please help?

Thank you

FlexSim 22.2.2
rtx video record
1663309984884.png (2.2 MiB)
1663309930381.png (5.1 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Lambert commented

@Kavika F and I replicated the issue and can confirm this is a bug. I will create a report and send it into the Development team.

If your operators are placed in the model before running the model then reset in RTX mode will change the visual. When you turn off RTX they will look how you set them to. We suggest starting the model in normal visual mode and then switch to RTX mode. You could do this by setting a stop time and turning on RTX mode once that stop time is triggered and then continue running the model.

If your operators are dynamically created during the run then the only way we found to have them appear as originally defined is to turn on and off RTX mode after they are created.

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Lambert avatar image Lambert commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

My operators are created dynamically during the run. However, once I click "record", I cannot turn on or off the RTX mode as the computer enters in full load mode and cannot touch anything. How can I do to record with RTX mode applying random appearances? Do I have to wait for a patch?

thank you

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