
Jia_yu L avatar image
Jia_yu L asked Jia_yu L commented

Pull strategy bug

Our model has set a pull strategy, items will be pulled in the order of Type from 3 to 1 (orange-gray-blue), but the first pulled item is found to be wrong (it should be orange, but the first 1 pulled blue), everything is correct except for the first item, I think it should be a problem with the queue settings, but I can't find where the settings are wrong.


FlexSim 20.0.10
pull strategy
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Can you upload your model to the file share link above to attach it here after changing the extension?

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Jia_yu L avatar image Jia_yu L Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for the reminder, I have updated

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jia_yu L commented

The items are created at the time but still in sequence. When the first item (a blue one) is created, the second queue immediately pulls it while it is still the only one available.

To change this, you can check the "Allow Multiple Pushes Before Back Order Fulfillment" option in the list's properties. With this option active, FlexSim will wait until there are no other pending events at the same time before evaluating the pull strategy.


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Jia_yu L avatar image Jia_yu L commented ·

Thanks, this helped me a lot

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