
Ashlee W avatar image
Ashlee W asked Ashlee W commented

Creating a "Locations" Label for a Companion

Hi There,

I have found how to model patient companions at this link:

However, I cannot figure out how/where to create the patient.CompanionLocations label. Can someone please give me a hand?

@Matthew Gillespie I believe you answered the original question linked above.

Thank you,


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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ashlee W commented

That post is suggesting that when you acquire a resource for the companion you change the label it's assigned to from patient.Locations to patient.CompanionLocations. That way the patient has a separate label that lists the locations acquired just for the companion.

For example, in the model I attached in my answer if you look at the Get Chair activity that acquires a chair for the companion:


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