
Rok V2 avatar image
Rok V2 asked Rok V2 commented

How to set processor or rack?

Hi, I want to set a processor or rack like this:

The first processor process items and they store in a rack, then items go on second processor and proces forward normaly.

When the rack is full (12 items) i want that the first processor is block and the second processor process normaly.

The first processor is block until are only 2 items in the rack, and start processing when this second items go in second processor.

And the same story again.

I want know how many time the first process is block (and do another stuf)

Without process flow please.

Thanks for help


FlexSim 22.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Rok V2 commented

You can use the "On Entry" triggers of the rack and second processor to close/open the output of the first processor when certain content thresholds are reached.




(I also added an extra condition to the Slot Assignment Strategy of the rack, so that only item is placed in each slot. For better visual feedback)

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Rok V2 avatar image Rok V2 commented ·

I's working.

Thank you very much!

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