
Glenson G avatar image
Glenson G asked Glenson G commented

Travel duration of AGVs inside the elevator

Hi @Felix Möhlmann ,

Using just one elevator core 1, I would like to find out the travel duration of the AGVs inside the elevators to the highest level (level 26) and the lowest level (level 8). I tried to use the statistics collector with the "On Load" and "On Unload" in the event listening tab but I do not see any values in the table. May I ask how do I go about doing this?

Also, may I ask if it is possible to plot a graph with the different scenarios of the different number of AGVs (e.g. 16, 18, 20, 22) against the time taken for them from loading from the B1_Kit to the unloading at the last queue in the upper levels?

Thank you!


FlexSim 18.2.3
agvagv elevator
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Glenson G commented

Moving the AGV into the elevator from the process flow doesn't trigger the On Load/Unload events. I would suggest to listen to tokens entering the respective activities in the elevator flow.

This also has the benefit that all evelators are tracked by just adding two events and you have access to the target floor control point and other data through the reference to the token.

In the attached example I define an "eventID" label on the elevator token (in "Assign AGV Data") comprised of the token id and the current model time. This is then used as the row value in the statistics collector, so that the row is generated when the AGV enters and the exit time is added to the same row later.



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Glenson G avatar image Glenson G commented ·

Hi @Felix Möhlmann , may I ask why does it not trigger the On Load/Unload events in the process flow? And what do you mean by you define the label in the "Assign AGV Data"?

I have tried to do the statistics collector, ("ElevatorCalculation") but no values seem to be showing. May I ask what could be the reason?

Thank you!


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Glenson G commented ·

The OnLoad and OnUnload events are only triggered by the respective tasks in a task sequence. Moving something into an operator with "moveobject()" would trigger the OnEntry event, but the elevators do not possess that event.

I set an additional label called "eventID" in the specified activity.


This label defines the "row value" in the statistics collector. Because it is not present in your model, no rows are being created.

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Glenson G avatar image Glenson G Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Hi @Felix Möhlmann ,

May I know how did you choose the value for eventID? (The "string.fromNum....")

Thank you!

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