
Anutt K avatar image
Anutt K asked Anutt K commented

Assign Priority of AGV charging sequence sort by battery capacity.

Now I can assign charging time of AGV by use Time Table.


From photo I use control point to be charge station and add all 30 station to group.

In process flow is be logic of AGV charging. Now the ratio of AGV and Charge Station is 1 : 1.

I want to change the ratio to AGV=30 : Station=24 or 25 and assign priority of AGV charging sort by Battery cap. from Lowest to higher.

I want to know some solution to do this. Thank You

Charging Break Spair.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.2
agvtask sequencepriorityagv recharge
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Anutt K , Have you thought about to build an instanced process flow instead of build x times equal processes. There is a tutorial about this approach!
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Anutt K avatar image Anutt K Joerg Vogel commented ·

I don't understand. Can you give me some example of model building logic that you mean. Or where can i find it as tutorial. Thank You

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Anutt K commented ·

It's best to think of them as behaviors to which objects can subscribe rather then clones etc.. You can have different types of object subscribe to a failure process for example or a custom battery process which each spans different classes.

The point here is that you can define the process once and have many objects subscribe to that behavior by becoming member instances, rather than modelling each one as you have in your model.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Anutt K commented

Put your charging stations on a list and have the AGV pull from the list when it needs to charge.

Have the list sort backorders by agv charge for the case when all are taken.

Create an instanced process flow for the AGV,s rather than the charging stations.

Is this a student assignment?

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Anutt K avatar image Anutt K commented ·

No. It is my job in company.

Do you mean 1 station to 1 list right? It a list in general process flow?

And use AGV Logic in AGV process flow type and attached AGV in it.

Did I get that right.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Anutt K commented ·
No put the charging stations on a global list. The initial values can be a group containing all the charging stations if that's easier.

Your profile suggests you are in education, so it might be a good idea to have your profile updated.

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Anutt K avatar image Anutt K Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

OK. Now I'm updated my profile.

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Anutt K avatar image Anutt K commented ·

My work flow is be all AGV will charging when model arrival at break time. That can see in model file it like a photo.


Then. If the ratio of AGV and Charging Station has be 30 AGV : 24 Station (or 25 or 26 Station). Of course, the number of Station are less than number of AGV.

So, I want to sort the AGV for go charging by assign sequence from battery cap.

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