
Anutt K avatar image
Anutt K asked Anutt K edited

Use Find slot and ORDER by slot label. Incorrect model run

Hello. I will simulation of auto car parking garage. And I use Find Slot activity for assign priority for select parking slot. But it incorrect from logic


I use Floor Storage to be parking slot and painted slot label for use in logic of car into parking process. The yellow zone are painted slot label and the red zone of Floor Storage are not painted any label. (Zone A : Yellow, Zone B : Red )


I use this logic for find slot for car into parking by condition "WHERE slot.hasSpace($1.car_in) ORDER BY [IN_Lift_1] ASC" (slot must has space and sorting to select parking slot from distance of each lift from the slot label painted)


But the slot of red zone are selected to use for parking slot. Even though the red zone are not painted any slot label.


Then I test to deleted all of red zone (has a yellow only). It can find and select the slot at nearest of lift from logic. Even though It use the same logic

I has attached 2 file for compare it.

Test1.fsm : Have a Yellow and Red Zone.

Test2.fsm : Yellow Zone only.

Thank You so much for help.


FlexSim 22.1.1
storage systemfloor storageslot labelsfind slot
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Anutt K edited

Since you left the Default Value field of the label blank it is treated as 0 when evaluating the order.

Either use a high default value (which would mean the slots will still be filled, but only after all yellow spaces are taken) or give a second condition "WHERE [IN_Lift_1] > 0", to filter out slots where the label is not set.



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