
Scarlett X avatar image
Scarlett X asked Scarlett X commented

Delete and copy group members

In parameter setting, I want to change Group Members(processor). If my processor had central connection of operaotr, can I change them at the same time?

now my model will change processor group members only, and new processor will connect to original operator. I hope if I have one proceessor and one op original, when I have two processors then I'll also have two operators and processors connect to operators separately (no.1 to no.1 op, no.2 to no.2 op) , can I do that? thank you!1.png

FlexSim 22.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Scarlett X commented

You can put both objects into a shared container object (most often is plane is used for this). To move them into the queue either drag them into it when adding them to the model. Or, to do so later, use the "Edit Selected Objects" window (found under "View").


Then you make copies of the plane and all objects within it will also be copied.


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Scarlett X avatar image Scarlett X commented ·
Thank you! When the two processor have the same input(only one source), can I also keep the input port connection without group it? because there is only one source .
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Scarlett X commented ·

If the objects in the plane form a linear process (one input, one output) you can set the plane up, so you can connect it to the source instead of the processors. First, specify to which object within the input and output of the plane should connect. Then draw connections from the source to the plane and from there to further objects.


The connections of the copied object will be recreated by the parameter option automatically.


In case of more complex connections, you would have to customize the "On Set" of the parameter to copy them over to the cloned objects.


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Scarlett X avatar image Scarlett X Felix Möhlmann commented ·

I appreciate your help very much!!!!!

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