
Tuan avatar image
Tuan asked Jeanette F commented

Flexsim external Genetic Algorithm(GA) via Socket

@Kavika F Hello!!


The problem to be solved by GA is

Assuming that there are 8 machines and 8 jobs, and each machine can handle any job.

How to allocate jobs to different machines so that the total processing time of the machines is the least.

socket new.fsm

What I want to do is

at the beginning, python randomly generates 3 integers and sends them to Flexsim. After calculation by Flexsim's experimenter, the result is sent back to python. Python evaluates the result through GA. Python then sends another three integers to Flexsim. After being calculated by Flexsim's experimenter, the result will be sent back to python, and python evaluates the result through GA.

Repeat the above process until the result is the least

How do I combine with and modify the code to the way I want?

FlexSim 20.0.10
experimentersocketalgorithm (11.6 KiB) (1000 B)
socket-new.fsm (100.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Tuan, here's a method you could try. Start by having your import your Before the while-loop in, generate your 3 random numbers and then send them as a delimited string (i.e., "1, 2, 3"; your "runExperimenter" user command separates input by commas). Send those numbers and wait for a response. When you receive a response, send it to GA for evaluation. Have your GA perform its calculations. Once it's done and you have another 3 numbers to send, use those as input. Here's some pseudo code:

  1. import GA
  3. input_numbers = "1, 2, 3"
  4. while True:
  5. send_to_flexsim(input_numbers)
  6. response = from_flexsim()
  7. GA.record_response()
  8. if GA.meets_stopping_criteria:
  9. break
  10. GA.evaluate()
  11. input_numbers = GA.new_input()

This won't compile, but it should give a good overview of some of the steps you should take in your to connect the two python scripts.

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