
Emily K avatar image
Emily K asked Emily K commented

Dispatcher Tab of Task Executer


I would like to understand the dispatcher option under task executer, as I didn't find much information on usermanual and forum, could you please give some explanation on these?

I am going to use with agv process flow module.

At Pass To, I choose shortest distance, does it mean it will pass the task to the agv closest to the loading/unloading point in the task show in first agv work list?

For queue strategy, Prioritize by distance, what distance it refers to?


Is straight FIFO means, the first task enter the agv work list will first assign to the task executer?

FlexSim 21.2.4
task executerdispatcher tab
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Andrew O avatar image Andrew O commented ·

Hi @Emily K, was Kavika F's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Emily K commented

Here's what the tooltip says about the pass to closest object option:


As FIFO implies, the first Task Sequence received by the dispatch will be the first Task Sequence assigned to an operator.

For the Prioritize by Distance queue strategy, the distance object it refers to can be specified using the "Involved Object" (either 1 or 2). The code uses "distancetotravel(current, station)", where station is either the Task Sequences "involved1" or "involved2" depending on the Involved Object you choose.


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Emily K avatar image Emily K commented ·

Dear @Kavika F , I am still a bit confusing. I open this tab under task executer properties.

Does the object you mentioned above refers to AGV? If I choose Random Port in Pass To, when there is a delivery request, it will pass to random AGV?1675781296011.png

If I choose Random Port, and using Prioritize by Distance queue strategy, does it mean the code distancetotravel(current, station) is calculating the distance between AGV and tasksequence

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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ Emily K commented ·

Involved Object 1 and 2 are the two objects involved in a task sequence. Task Sequences have two "involved" variables and then 4 parameter variables; not all of them need to be used. In my answer, you can choose which "Involved Object" by putting 1 or 2.

With regards to your new question, "Random Port" will choose a random OutObject to send the TaskSequence to. Here's a screenshot of the code behind it.


Here are the docs for the Dispatcher tab. Essentially, the "PassTo" property "returns the output port number that the task sequence should be dispatched to." The "Queue Strategy" property "returns a 'priority' value for the task sequence that is used to rank it in the object's task sequence queue. By default, it will simply return the priority value given to the task sequence when it was created, but the user can also customize task sequence priorities in this field."

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Emily K avatar image Emily K Kavika F ♦ commented ·

Thanks for your clear explanation!

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