
GabrielPaz19 avatar image
GabrielPaz19 asked Jeanette F commented

Create differents objects on processflow

Hi everyone.

Excuse me, i need to create 12 different types of products and i need that with differents color. I had trying with the create tokens tool but i don´t know what is the problem with de process. Could you help me to solve it please?


FlexSim 22.2.4
tokenscreate objectchange visual
· 1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Student tips:

You have event triggered sources in each of your 3 sections so you don't need/want the connections sending tokens from the previous process too so disconnect Recibido1 from Inspeccion and the same for Inspeccion to Almacenamiento.

You seemed to be trying to create labels called "Cliente1", "Cliente2" etc. This is not the correct method - you should have a label called Cliente and give it a value of 1 through 12 or "Cliente1" through "Cliente12"

Use duniform(1,12) to set the Cliente number.

It's easier to set the color of the pallet on entry of the queue using the Client label.

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