
Gilana P avatar image
Gilana P asked Gilana P commented

Join objects by Process Flow


I create 6 objects. After that I need to turn them into one. How can I do this in process flow?

Ex: I would like all the colored boxes to become just brown, without destroying them, but as if they were inside the brown box.

In my original process, I need to put multiple items into a box that is created along with the other 5 items. In other words, what used to be 6 items became 1 because the other 5 are inside one of the created objects.

FlexSim 19.1.2
processflowflexsim 19.1.2visualcreate objectchange visual
demo-join.fsm (32.5 KiB)
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Gabriel P2 avatar image
Gabriel P2 answered Gilana P commented

Hello @Gilana P!

Can you use Move Object to join the boxes. Configure them as follows:


Do this same process for the other boxes.

Add a Change Visual and configure it as follows:


Repeat this process for the other boxes.

Your flow should look like the image below:


1623776625942.png (11.6 KiB)
1623776714733.png (38.9 KiB)
1623776729122.png (38.9 KiB)
1623776736340.png (38.9 KiB)
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1623777073564.png (39.4 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

You can use a batch activity in process flow and/or a combiner in the model.

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