
Gilana P avatar image
Gilana P asked Gilana P commented

Box loading visual

Hey guys!

I'm not getting the boxes to be centered and on top of the pallet.

In addition, I would like the boxes not to be in a high pile, I would like them to be distributed on the pallet so that they do not impair the operator's vision.demo_visual_paleteira.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
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Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Gilana P commented

Hi @Gilana P, I updated your model to make the cart a separate object from the operator. I dragged out a queue and changed its visual to be the cart. Then the operator can grab the cart and the items can be loaded into it (it acts like a queue, so the stacking method can be changed).


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Bruna A avatar image
Bruna A answered Gilana P commented

Hi @Gilana P,

Another possibility to solve your problem is to use "Change Visual" to set boxes positions in relation to the operator. You can set, for example, the amount of boxes per level.

I updated your model using only labels and box spatial references.


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Gilana P commented

Move the items onto the pallet. Then you set the location for each item. The pallet is currently in the drawsurrogate node of the operator.

obj operator is a reference for the operator. You must replace it.

  1. drawsurrogate(obj operator)

move the items into this new reference.

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Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Gilana P commented

The boxes stacking up in the operator's arms are the default visuals which can be difficult to change.

What you are asking for can be done by loading the boxes onto a pallet object that has been loaded onto a cart as opposed to adding a pallet truck to the operator's visuals.

I've attached a model as an example.

Please note the "Change Visual" activities that straighten the cart and pallet as the operator travels and loads.


pallettruckdemo.fsm (32.0 KiB)
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