
Doris Y avatar image
Doris Y asked Phil BoBo edited

FlexSim 2019.1.2 call DLL Maker17.2 Fail

I used Visual Studio 2013 to compile dll maker v17.2 in Win10, and it will generate two dll files (DllMaker.dll and DllMaker_x86.dll).

I try to call DllMaker.dll or DllMaker_x86.dll function in FlexSim2019.1.2, but FlexSim both can't call dll function successful. I get the exception seen in the System console in the image below.


Is I need to setting something in Visual Studio 2013 before compile?

I try to find solution from dll maker tutorials and FlexSim community, but it still can't solve this problem, please kindly help.

FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2dll makervisual studio
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Change your DLL path from "DLLMaker_x86.dll" to "DLLMaker.dll".

DLLMaker_x86.dll is used when using 32-bit FlexSim. If you are using 64-bit FlexSim, then you should just be using DLLMaker.dll. Ensure that you are building your DLL in 64-bit by selecting "x64" for the target platform in the dropdown in Visual Studio.

See for an example video demonstrating the basic usage of the DLL Maker project.

Make sure you actually have a compiled DLLMaker.dll file in the same directory as your model.

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