
Khalid Kayal avatar image
Khalid Kayal asked Phil BoBo answered

How to run a model and pull results from Flexsim using Visual Studio?

I want to create a c# code using Visual Studio 2015 that will run a simulation model and pull some results. I came across this article

However, the solution file is not working and it's giving me errors.

FlexSim 16.2.0
visual studioc#
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

You linked to an article that explains how you can make a C++ dll that you can execute from within FlexSim.

That is unrelated to running a model from C# code using Visual Studio 2015.

Here is a link to an answer that explains how you can automatically configure and run a FlexSim model:

You can evoke applications, such as FlexSim, from C# using the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics.Process object.

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