
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Matt Long answered

Visual Studio in 2020


What is the role of C++ in the latest version 2020 of FlexSim? Is it still an option to boost performance of model? Is Visual Studio able to debug a massive model that isn't written by C++? Does Visual Studio have any usage for modeling?

By the way I can't start VS 2017 community from FlexSim. I found some guide but out-dated. Is there an updated guild to setup environment to write C++ in FlexSim?

FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2visual studio
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered

Previously you could change FlexScript code into C++ and compile the model for an increase in performance. However, FlexScript was overhauled a number of versions ago which caused the speed of FlexScript to be the same as C++. At that time we also removed many of the options relating to C++, for example, the Compile menu is no longer displayed in the main menu bar. (although the functionality for C++ support remains for backwards compatibility)

Visual Studio is only capable of debugging C++ code. FlexScript debugging is performed within FlexSim itself. The only real reason to use Visual Studio with FlexSim is if you have a custom DLL. You may need to create a custom DLL in order to access libraries that aren't available within FlexSim. Some companies have created custom DLLs to interface with other software within their company. Modules can also be created to make modifications to FlexSim and have associated DLLs in them. For more information on these check out the DLL Maker and Module SDK you can

If you aren't able to launch VS from FlexSim, open your Global Preferences and go to the Compiler tab. Ensure that the Visual C++ Version is referencing the correct version.

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