
Jingyong P avatar image
Jingyong P asked Matt Long edited

"Step to next model event" Does NOT Work


The model works as expected, but when I use "Step to next model event", nothing happens. It was working before.

Please help.

Thank you

FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2
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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 commented ·

@Jingyong P Can you attach your model?

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Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered Matt Long edited

If you open up the Event List window from the Debug menu, you can see a list of upcoming events. The top event will be the event executed when you hit the step button. This should help you understand what is happening each time you hit step.

I'm not sure what your model is doing, but if you're using People, some of the activities use internal process flows that contain multiple activities in order to handle a single activity like Walk, or Wait in Line.

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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Matt Long commented

@Jingyong P, It's possible that it's working, but the initial start-up processes that it is stepping through are happening in the background, so you don't see anything happening at time 0.00. Try running the model past 0.00 and then pressing the step button once the model has been initialized.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Maybe there should be a 'step past' button to go to the next event that is past the current event time - similar to 'step over' in a way, but for event times rather than calls or events.

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

That's not a bad idea. Sounds like a good suggestion for the

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