
Gilana P avatar image
Gilana P asked Gilana P edited

Visual change in processflow for a flowitem created by a source in the 3D

I have a model made in 3D, but I needed to add a pallet truck and I used process flow.

It's difficult to tell Process Flow how to change the location of the item coming out of the Combiner.

I tried using the visual change to correct the look of the pallet truck and also the flowitem, but it didn't work for the flowitem.

In the attached demo I'm presenting what's going on.


FlexSim 19.1.2
processflowanimationflowitemvisualchange visual
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Gilana P commented

After you move the pallet jack into the operator you can use a Change Visual activity to move it into the correct position. The same thing needs to be done with the pallet when it is loaded. Adding an On Load trigger to the operator is one way. Another way is to listen for the On Load event in Process Flow using an event triggered source and then using another Change Visual activity.

I attached a model that has a Change Visual for the pallet jack and a On Load trigger for the pallet.


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