
Najla AN avatar image
Najla AN asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Flowitems pull items from conveyor


I am working on a baggage handling system, and currently, I am struggling to find how a passenger can take baggage off a conveyor, I have attached 2 models, the first one works as I want, passengers pull bags off the conveyor, and when I continued working on it and added 4 more conveyers and more entrance gates, it stopped working as before, passengers don't pull their luggage off the conveyor.

In the simulation, it creates photoeyes that the bags will go over then it triggers a pull action that the passenger flow item will do. what is causing the problem seems to be the location of one or two photoeyes only, their creation of the location in not right, and that leads to not all of the passengers process flow pulling the bags from the conveyor.

can you help me with a solution that will make the passenger pull the luggage off the conveyor, and make the (pull bags) work in the second attached model.

@Raja Sekaran

@Cliff King


@Jeff Nordgren

@Mischa Spelt

@Ben Wilson

your help would be really appreciated.

Thank you so much.

One conveyor .fsm

5 conveyors.fsm

FlexSim 20.2.0
processflowconveyorsflexsim 20.2.0flowitemphoto eye
one-conveyor.fsm (5.5 MiB)
5-conveyors.fsm (4.5 MiB)
· 1
5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

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