
Philip L6 avatar image
Philip L6 asked Philip L6 commented

Control flowitem movement using ProcessFlow

How do I control the movement of flowitems along network nodes from queue1 to queue2 using ProcessFlow? I want the model logic to remain in ProcessFlow as much as possible; using the 3D view just for the graphics and animation.

Things I have tried -

  1. Create Object in process flow to drop the flowitems into queue1.
  2. Selecting Use Transport, Customized Logic, ProcessFlow: Use Task Sequence Subflow in the Output parameters of queue1.
  3. Including a Travel activity in the Subflow so that the network nodes are used.
  4. Including a Zone restriction in the subflow, set to one token, so that the transporter just picks up one flowitem and doesn't get interrupted.

With the above, its mostly working, but I have no control over when the flowitem leaves. The queue1 wants to pass the flowitem out as soon as it arrives.

So I tried this -

  1. Setting Do Not Release Item in the Output parameters of queue1.
  2. Sending a message from ProcessFlow to queue1 at the desired time. Including a reference to the flowitem I want in the message parameters.
  3. The OnMessage Trigger in queue1 uses releaseitem to release only the requested flowitem.

This still doesn't work. It runs without error but the flowitems refuse to leave queue1.

Where am I going wrong? Is there a better or easier way to control the movement of flowitems in 3D using ProcessFlow?

FlexSim 21.0.8
processflowcreate objectnetworknodesreleaseitem
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Philip L6 commented

If you just call "releaseitem(item)" the "Send to Port" option will get evaluated. Since it's set to not release items nothing will happen. If you specifiy through which port the item should leave ("releaseitem(item, portNum)") that evaluation gets skipped and the item should be released correctly.

You can also control the movement entirely in process flow, without port connections (see example model).


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