
Karan avatar image
Karan asked Karan commented

Create task executer/fixed resource downtime


I am trying to add human element into an elaborate model (run by process flow entirely with 3D objects for visuals). This could include people taking bathroom breaks, water breaks, talking, etc. To achieve this I think I need to create a toke that:

  1. randomly picks 1 task executer
  2. preempts their current task sequence
  3. stops the object
  4. delays for a given time
  5. resumes the object letting them continue their original task sequence

One question asked in two ways:

  1. In the outlined process, the only thing I don't know is how I can pick an operator at random, and how I can successfully preempt a task that they can then go back to doing.
  2. Said a little differently, this is very similar to the Time Table function, however I do not want to select specific objects before hand but rather pick them at random and make them go "on break" for a random time as well. Is there a way to use the logic behind the Time Table function but edit it to dynamically pick objects and downtime?
  3. As a nice to have while we are at it, the Time Table will add a red box around the object signifying it is paused, is that only a Time Table function or can we get that in some other way as well?

Perhaps in the future I would like to use this for Fixed Resources as well, and possible Failures/Re-work in the process.

FlexSim 22.2.3
task executertimetabledowntimedynamic downtime
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

Timetable has two triggered functions which you can use for any action you like. They are On Down and On Resume. Please consider you can set an irrelevant object being a member of this timetable and evaluate only the mentioned functions or events. I would add a basic fixed resource to indicate an active scheduled down phase. By evaluating these events I can do anything I like.
You mentioned color 2D frames around down objects. If you don’t find them in library tree as a node function, you can still let draw a similar frame around involved objects by source code draw functions or you could add a draw surrogate object with a frame as a shape inside attribute tree of every involved object. If this shape material color can be controlled by FlexSim colors attributes, you can set it visible and change easily a color.

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Karan commented

Hello @Karan,

I think you are looking for MTBF/MTTR.

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Karan avatar image Karan commented ·
Thank you Jeanette. I will look into this and post another question if any help is needed.
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