
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Dashboard to show contents of combined items?


I have double stacked pallets and single stacked pallets containing different number of totes (I use combiners to stack them).

When I use a dashboard to monitor the content of a queue, it obviously shows the number of "grouped items" in the queue. In the image below, content = 1.


Is there a way to make the dashboard show the number of totes instead? For the image above, it would be (12+16) = 28

Thank you

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1 Answer

Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered Lambert commented

Hi Lambert,

one possible solution would be to create a label in the queue and every time a pallet enters, increase its value by the number of totes inside that particular pallet (pallet.subnodes.length) and decrease it accordingly when a pallet leaves. Then, on your dashboard you can graph the value of the label instead of the content of the queue.

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Lambert avatar image Lambert commented ·

Thanks Marcello, I forgot to mention that I am interested in displaying time-series charts (i.e. COMPOSITE WIP) grouping several queues (entrance and exit objects).


Would the label method apply as well?

thank you

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Marcello Rosadini avatar image Marcello Rosadini commented ·

Here its an alternative using a tracked variable. You can create one from the toolbox and increase it or decrease it from process flow

support tracked variable.fsm

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Lambert avatar image Lambert Marcello Rosadini commented ·
this will work like a charm!

thank you Marcello

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