
JacksonG avatar image
JacksonG asked Jeanette F commented

Set Staff States Using token label?

I am trying to collect utilization on my staff in my model by collecting different times they are performing different specific tasks. I have a label on the token coming in define the action and have the specific action defined in my Staff State Table. I am trying to collect the time by assigning the action in the "Perform Task" using the label on the incoming token.

(e.g. on the token label "pulled.ActionType" would say "FillerCIP")


When I do this, it will not collect the time in the dashboard under the action I specified. It will collect the time as "Idle." Is there a way to do this apart from the example below?


My problem is that I am using this subflow for several different actions. So the token label may have different action types specified depending on what token comes in.


FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered JacksonG commented

There seems to be a bug with that State field where it's not recognizing that code has been typed in and it's just treating it as a string literal, i.e. it's setting the state to the "token.pulled.ActionType" state.

I've updated your model using the 2nd workaround listed below. roundlake-v4_1.fsm

Here are two workarounds you could use for now:

1. Use an AssignLabels activity to put the state string on a label on the token. Then in the State field, click the drop down, go to Token Labels, and choose the label you assigned it onto.


2. In the State field, click the drop down, and choose Code Editor. Then paste in code like this:

  1. Object current = param(1);
  2. treenode activity = param(2);
  3. Token token = param(3);
  4. treenode processFlow = ownerobject(activity);
  6. return /**/token.pulled.ActionType/**direct*/;

roundlake-v4-1.fsm (914.9 KiB)
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