
JUanGarcia avatar image
JUanGarcia asked Andrew O commented

Question about source arrivals

In the model that we have uploaded we want to that the arrival time and the quantity of the source to be dependent from another queue:

The arrival time of the Type1: When the qReference1 has less than 174. We know that the script is the following; Model.find("qReference1").subnodes.length <174, but we don´t know where we have to put it.

Quantity of the Type1: It has to be 242- The quantity of the material that is in the qReference1. We know that the script is the following; 242 - Model.find("qReference1").subnodes.length, but we don´t know where we have to put it.

Like that with all the types.

We will be grateful if you help us.


Captura (1).PNG

FlexSim 22.1.3
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hello @JUanGarcia,

You can accomplish this with an event triggered source in process flow that is followed by a create object activity.



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