
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
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Lilian Fonseca asked Brenton King answered

How to control the inputs and outputs of a production line?


The production line attached has two different sources, with two different flowitems that will be combined into another flowitem (different 3D shape). My problem is that when the brown box arrives on the conveyor, it should close the output of the first source as well as the movement of the robot. So, there shouldn't be any other brown boxes in the same conveyor while the first one is passing through the combiner. The brown box flow has to be resumed again as soon as the first one gets out and arrives in processor 5. Also, I need that the source 14 only generates a blue flowitem when a brown box arrives in the first conveyor. The blue flowitem has always to be the first product to arrive in the combiner. What is the best way to solve this logical issue?

FlexSim 16.0.1
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1 Answer

Brenton King avatar image
Brenton King answered

I really prefer the Process Flow method here because of its ability to listen for specific events. You can get the same functionality by using the senddelayedmessage command in the triggers of the objects but I prefer the readability and accessibility of the logic in PF.

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