
Avieon G avatar image
Avieon G asked Avieon G commented

How do you get a Processor to Trigger the creation of a Flow Item at a Source?

The need here is for when a Processor completes a process on a Flow Item, a new Flow Item is Triggerd for creation at a Source.

How is this made possible?


FlexSim 22.1.2
processorsourceflowitemcreation timecreation trigger
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Avieon G commented

A simple way to do this is to set the 'Inter-Arrival Time' of the source to 0, so it always creates new items if possible. In its exit trigger, close the output of the source, so only one item can leave at a time. A new item will be created immediatly, but it can't leave the source.


In the process finish trigger of the processor, you can then open the output again, so the next item is released from the source.


Another way would be to use an event-triggered source in a process flow that listens to the processor's finish event. The token can then create a new item via the 'Create Object' activity.


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot commented

A source creates independently new items. You cannot trigger a source doing this. But you can create new items by command or process flow activity. If you want them to take part in your model flow, you create them in a queue. Or you move them from your model workspace into an object by command or process flow activity,

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