Hello, I have small project to do but i face some issue with it. Here is a list what I need to do with my thoughts.
1. Creating a sketch by the medalist.
2. Decision (quality control) of the medalist to approve the design for further
handing over the material.
3. Transport to the next position.
4. Molding a coin in plasticine by a medalist + quality control.
5. Transport to the next position.
6. Creating coins in specialized software. Visualization
is made in 3D technology. (It is also possible to make a plaster one
casting of the designed model).
Is it possible to do something like that:
Man sit in front of computer desk then stand (spawn small cube) take it to the person sitting in front of computer desk. Next person have little delay then stand and go with small box to the processor and put it on it. Processor send it to the sink.
Im completly new on it and dont understand it a lot. I can do animation of walking frome one computer to other but i dont have idea of what i can do for do all of the steps :/
Can someone help me with that?