
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Shinya O commented

FinishTS does not work when Token passes FinishTS during schedule down


In the following FlexSim model, FinishTS does not work.

Timetable1 stops TaskExecuter1 for 5-25 seconds.

At 0 seconds the TS should be created and at 10 seconds the TS should end, but it doesn't work.

How can I terminate TS correctly?

I do not want the delayed activity's clock to stop even when it's scheduled down.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 22.0.11
delaytimetablefinish task sequence
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Shinya O commented

This is a known behavior. In the past we've recommended that instead of using a straight FinishTS activity the user calls a subflow that resumes the stops, finishes the TS and then reapply the same stops.

Alternatively you can ensure the stoppage does not occur while the task executor is idle by making sure any process flow delays that require the TE are delay TASKS, and/or by selected a set of states for which the Time Between Failure (TBF) should apply.

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