
kiminami avatar image
kiminami asked Andrew O commented

Move objects based on specific Labels.

testsssss.fsmHello, I need to simulate some sales, my item must be moved or deleted from stock at a certain time. But I don't know how to do that.

In my attached example:

the item is created, it goes through a processor which maps what kind of item it is.

In the case of the example, there are two processors, one that prints P1 the other that prints the item P2.

Through a global table with time, name of the item to be moved and the quantity, I need these items to be moved to "EXIT"

Can someone help me?

FlexSim 23.0.0
move objectsales
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered kiminami commented

Hello @Kiminami,

You can have the processed items placed on a list. Then in your process flow after your schedule source you pull an item from the list that matches the processor label and then use that reference to move the item to the "EXIT"


testsssss-1.fsm (241.4 KiB)
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anon-user avatar image
anon-user answered

You can use Schedule Source to use the time of the box output and create a conditional to select the objects within the Queue in Move Object. With the Queue.subnodes reference you have access to the items that are inside the queue.

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