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lili Suspended asked lili Suspended edited

Problem with event times


I have a problem with my model. When I run the experiment I get two types of exceptions in the console output and I don't know what the problems are and how I can fix this:

The first exception is this:

time: 1648.026887 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity Triage/Process in process flow "Patient Flow". Continuing throw...

time: 1648.026887 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() main function. Throwing...

time: 1648.026887 exception: Exception caught in evaluation of /Tools/People/Flows/Activities/Walk/Travel>variables/callbackNode


And the second type of exceptions is like this. I have imported an excel table for the arrival times of patients and I'm not sure if the problem has something to do with that

createvent: event time is in past: event time changed to present. Object: Source 2 eventtime: 3118.000000, time: 292725.000000 Arrivals

createvent: event time is in past: event time changed to present. Object: Source 2 eventtime: 9305.000000, time: 292725.000000 Arrivals

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with these exceptions.

FlexSim 22.2.2
callmemberfunctionevent time
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·
The first error might be an invalid reference. You can set a stop time at the relevant point (1648.02) and then step through the simulation. When the token arrives at the "Triage/Process/ activity that causes the error, check if all labels/reference that are used in the activity are correct on the token.

The second error normally happens when a process time or similar value has a negative value (possibly due to high variance in a statistical distribution). The Source normally orders all arrival time in ascending order on reset though, so I'm not sure why it would cause such an error. Can you recreate that error in an otherwise empty model, so you could attach it?

Your arrival times seem to span multiple month, yet the schedule is set to repeat daily. Is this wanted behaviour?

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lili avatar image lili Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Thank you so much for your reply it worked!

About the first error I noticed that the resource related to the process didn't have a priority level, and about the second one I set the schedule to never repeat and the problem was solved.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann lili commented ·
I'm glad to hear that you could solve the issues.

I'll change my comment to an answer. It would be nice if you could then accept it, so that other users can see that the question was solved.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

See comments under question (Site seems to not properly want to convert the comment to an answer for me currently).

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