
Adil M avatar image
Adil M asked Adil M commented

Label not being pulled correctly from Data table

Global Table Model.fsmI'm using a global table to pull volume percentage by "type" but it seems the volume is not being pulled correctly. All the packages are coming to pallet 60 despite it having only 0.01% of total volume

Also attaching the excel file which I imported. Volume Analysis.xlsx

FlexSim 21.2.4
globllabel type
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Adil M commented

Hey @Adil M, I think I found the problem. Your table's percentages were adding up to 1.2 total. If you check the documentation for dempirical distribution, you had the right formatting for your table, but it states that percentages must add up to 100.


So, after changing your decimal values to be whole numbers, they now add up to 120. Your distribution seems to work now, spawning other types, but now you have to balance your percentages to add up to 100 so that the later types get picked.


Note: You can have decimals in your percentage (i.e., 5.2, 6.86); they just need to add up to 100. If they add up to less, then whatever is leftover gets defaulted to the last value (as you saw with your initial problem). If they go over, you get the current behavior as shown in the screenshot.

1675280643832.png (288.3 KiB)
1675280542624.png (43.7 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Adil M avatar image Adil M commented ·
Thank you! I was able to fix the issue:)
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