
Cat avatar image
Cat asked Cat edited

How to change the process time when get a delay message?


I want to setup when I send a message from processor_1 to processor_3, processor_3 will change the process time.

I try to close/open port of processor_3 to appear this, but the result isn't match.

I think maybe I need to code in processor_3 to change process time, but I don't know which command can use.

Can you tell me the coding command? Thanks.

FlexSim 7.7.4
processorprocess timedelaytime
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Cat edited

A process time is an evaluated function of source code. You can not change a source code in running model. BUT you can tell in a process time function to evaluate a label value. Then you can change while a model runs this label value. Each time process time gets evaluated, it reads the label value as a process time.

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