
hanna avatar image
hanna asked Jeanette F commented

Linking Staff to Location

I am trying to have each registration clerk linked to one desk and each tech linked to one triage chair. Is this possible to do? I want to be able to see individual staff throughput so I created a dashboard that shows each triage chairs location throughput but this isnt accurate if the patients can be treated from different chairs by the same tech. Currently, a patient can also sit in a triage chair and the tech is "providing care" from a separate room. Hoping these two issues could be resolved by linking one staff to one chair/desk if possible! Thanks DGH model.fsm

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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Sebastián Cañas commented

Hi @hanna,

I suggest you to read this post and also this one. This is a common question when modeling with both People Module and HC environment.

Hope it helps!

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