
Reina Hanazo avatar image
Reina Hanazo asked Reina Hanazo commented

Is it possible to move queues from one position to another and vice versa?

I had uploaded an example of the model. In this model, trolley 2(I change the design from Queue to Trolley design) had 20 flow item(cartons) and in trolley 1(The same as trolley 2), is the preparation trolley. I would like the operator to prepare 20 cartons in trolley 1 and when trolley 2 had utilize 20 cartons, the operator would push trolley 1 to where trolley 2 is and trolley 2 would be pushed to where trolley 1 is.

FlexSim 7.1.4
FlexSim 16.0.1
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Reina Hanazo commented


If you were to represent the trolleys with flowitems and use a combiner to load the cartons on the trolley and a separator to remove them from the trolley then it would much more simple to have the operator move the trolleys from one position to the other.

I have attached a sample model that does this for you. It is in version 7.1 (the same version as yours). I created a new container flowitem to represent the trolley and replaced your queues with a combiner and separator. As the separator cannot have two container objects in it at one time, I placed a queue after the separator for the empty trolley to move to while the operator brings the full trolley over to the separator. I placed the queue to the side of the separator so that you could see them both. You can place the queue in the same location as the separator if you want.

I hope that this solution works for you,


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