
Ahmad_zulfy A avatar image
Ahmad_zulfy A asked Joerg Vogel commented

display process time

shanghai current.fsmHello..
Could you help me to inform how to display the processing time per processor below the processor ?

FlexSim 23.0.0
display process time
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered


individual-statistic-processor.jpgProcess Time and PreDraw Trigger evaluating a number label value.

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Ahmad_zulfy A avatar image
Ahmad_zulfy A answered Joerg Vogel commented

But why when start run the simulation it change to show %idle, not always show avgStayTime1678242257570.png

1678242257570.png (5.0 KiB)
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Ahmad_zulfy A avatar image Ahmad_zulfy A commented ·
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Ahmad_zulfy A avatar image Ahmad_zulfy A Ahmad_zulfy A commented ·

Here is the picture


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1678242526649.png (34.1 KiB)
Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Ahmad_zulfy A commented ·
The processors that show processing and idle percentage don't have anything set in their Pre Draw trigger.
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Ahmad_zulfy A commented ·
@Ahmad_zulfy A, current elapsed process time is not as easy to calculate as it seems on the first hand. Yes, you can assume a processing start, when an item has entered a processor. There are other events that can delay this type of information. A setup time occurs before processIng start. A call for operators delays a start until enough operators have arrived. A breakdown could timely happen at the same time, when an item enters a processor. If you then updates the elapsed process time upon entering of an item, the value is possibly wrong. You can only be certain about a stored process time store in a node as a value like a label, Or you can evaluate the process time after finishing processing in processor statistics.
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Ahmad_zulfy A avatar image
Ahmad_zulfy A answered Felix Möhlmann commented

OK thankyou. can be shown like time elapse from the start until the end of the process ?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

You can get the elapsed time since the item entered the processor with this expression:

"current.subnodes.length>0 ? (Model.time - getentrytime(current.first)):0"

It functions like this: Are there any items in the processor? If yes, return the difference between the time of entry and the current model time. If not, return 0.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

In his comment below the answer to this question, Phil demonstrates how to edit what is shown in the text box of 3d object.

If the process time is a fixed value, you can read it as a property of the processor
("string.fromNum(current.getProperty("ProcessTime"), 2)").

If the value is determined individually for each item, you have to store the value that is determined in the process time field somewhere else (for example a label), so that the OnDraw trigger has access to it.


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