
MPeyman avatar image
MPeyman asked Jeanette F commented

Dynamic demand

Hi All,

I have created a model that involves a single UAV which works based on the GT (Global Table) generated in Python. The UAV is designed to pick up items from a single queue and deliver them to multiple queues. Currently, the UAV picks up 10 items and randomly drops them off in each assigned queue. However, I am facing a challenge in generating random dynamic demand for each queue. I would like to implement a system where the items are dropped off based on the specific requests of each queue, instead of randomly.

Also, in my model I would like to use "Decide" , in order to put condition if there is things to do in a global table make it if not release UAV.

I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to achieve this objective.


FlexSim 23.0.0
conditional decidedecide functiondyamic demand
multi-dropoff.fsm (60.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Have your destinations generate pickup demand and push it to a list (job list)

When the UAV knows which pickup it's visiting next it can pull them from the job list.

You need to define what the demand is and how the UAV decides which pickup to visit next.

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