
Ricard RH avatar image
Ricard RH asked Ricard RH commented

How can I know if there is at least one token in an activity from process flow?

I have to make a Conditional Decide activity which will send tokens to one port or the other depending on the existance of at least one token in an Acquire Resource activity in the same Process Flow. Is there any way to code it inside the Conditional Decide?

FlexSim 18.1.1
process flowdecideconditional decidetoken
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1 Answer

Gesa R avatar image
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Gesa R answered Ricard RH commented


Hello Ricard,

I attached a small example model. Is that what you mean?

I used the function: gettokens(processFlow, getactivity(processFlow, "Resource")); in the decide on condition code. It returns an array with all tokens in the specified activity.

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