
Guillaume V avatar image
Guillaume V asked Guillaume V commented

How to write a decide condition including an "OR" logic

condition or.png

Hello, as you can see on the picture, I'm trying to decide a path based on a token label.
I would like add an "OR" logic where an alternative condition could result in the same path.

Any idea how to write it?

FlexSim 19.0.0
process flowdecideconditional decideconditionallogic or
condition-or.png (28.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

AndrewR avatar image
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AndrewR answered Guillaume V commented

Hi, you will need to replace your OR string with two vertical bars1625052856094.png

1625052856094.png (12.4 KiB)
· 3
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Guillaume V avatar image Guillaume V commented ·
My god! Fantastic!! Is there a page where I can find all this vocabulary? (example how to write an "AND",...)
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AndrewR avatar image AndrewR commented ·

Hi, try this link: Writing Logic in FlexSim - it should take you to here in the manual:1625056514798.png

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1625056514798.png (28.4 KiB)
Guillaume V avatar image Guillaume V commented ·

Thank you so much Andrew! Have a good afternoon.


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