
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Hide items from rack?

Hi, I am creating initial inventory from an excel file into a series of racks in the 3D view.

The excel file contains 40K items, therefore when those items are created from the queue and stored in the racks, the 3D model populates 40K boxes visually, which makes the overall 3D model very heavy an slow.

Is there any way to "hide" the boxes when stored in the rack, so that the model is lighter?

thank you

FlexSim 23.0.4
hide items
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Lambert commented

FlexSim can easily draw that number of flowitems when they are virtualized in the rack via the options in the storage system properties.


Alternatively your can toggle objects to not show their content using the 'More Visuals' flag:


1678736008300.png (7.7 KiB)
1678736180904.png (22.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Lambert avatar image Lambert commented ·
Thank you sir!
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