
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Jeanette F commented

Is there a way to debug an expression field in a resource?

I have a expression field that is not doing what I want. To find out what I am doing wrong I am trying to use a debug() to find how is reading the variables, but this does not execute any debugging.

Is this normal or how can I do this?


FlexSim 23.0.4
resourcesdebugexpression field
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
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Kavika F answered

Hey @Julio R, debug() should work within a list's properties/expressions. Did you add the debug command as a line in your expression? I suggest breaking up that equation into different lines so you can see the values as they get evaluated.

  1. debug();
  2. double PosicionOrigen = puller.PosicionOrigen;
  3. double PosicionActual = value.PosicionActual;
  4. double MaxPosicion = Math.max(PosicionOrigen, PosicionActual);
  5. double MinPosicion = Math.min(PosicionOrigen, PosicionActual);
  7. double CantNodos = (MaxPosicion - MinPosicion + 1);
  8. return CantNodos;

Make sure you hit Apply on the code editor AND on the List Properties.


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