
Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K asked Phil BoBo edited

Change Visual error

Hi flexsim community,

In my model I am creating a truck at particular control point and changing the size of the create truck. but when I use change visual icon, It is not changing the size.

Value of my created truck is token.Truck and I am using the same value at change visual "set size".


Is This a Bug?

FlexSim 23.0.5
change visualchange size
set-size.png (152.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Phil BoBo edited

This is a bug. The size of the object does actually change, but the size of the individual components that make the truck (what you actually see in the model) is not updated unless you resize the truck using the manipulation orb in the 3d model.


As a workaround, you can for now change the size of the truck directly in the FlowItem Bin. If you need more than one size of truck, make duplicates of the truck in the Bin and assign them different names and sizes.

I'll move this post into the bug report section.

1678959119853.png (161.1 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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